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A bebop.json file in a directory indicates that the directory is the root of a Bebop project.

This page covers all of the different options available inside a bebop.json file. There are five main sections:

  • The root fields for letting the compiler know what files are available
  • The generators section for defining how to generate code
  • The watchOptions fields, for tweaking the watch mode
  • The extensions section, for defining custom extensions

Root Fields

Include - include

Specifies an array of filenames or patterns to include in the compiler. These filenames are resolved relative to the directory containing the bebop.json file.

"include": [

Which would include all .bop files in the src directory and all subdirectories.

├── scripts ⨯
│ ├── lint.ts ⨯
│ ├── update_deps.ts ⨯
│ └── utils.ts ⨯
├── src ✓
│ ├── schemas ✓
│ │ ├── client.bop ✓
│ │ └── server.bop ✓
├── tests ⨯
│ ├── dummy.bop ⨯

include and exclude support wildcard characters to make glob patterns:

  • * matches zero or more characters (excluding directory separators)
  • ? matches any one character (excluding directory separators)
  • **/ matches any directory nested to any level

If the last path segment in a pattern does not contain a file extension or wildcard character, then it is treated as a directory, and files with supported extensions inside that directory are included (e.g. .bop).

Exclude - exclude

Specifies an array of filenames or patterns that should be skipped when resolving include.

No Warn - noWarn

Specifies an array of warning codes to silence during compilation.

"noWarn": [

No Emit - noEmit

Disable emitting files from a compilation.

"noEmit": true

Generators - generators

Specifies code generators to use for compilation.

Built-in generators alias are:

  • ts - Generates TypeScript code
  • cs - Generates C# code
  • cpp - Generates C++ code
  • py - Generates Python code
  • rust - Generates Rust code
  • dart - Generates Dart code

Out File - outFile

Specifies the output file for the generated code. This field is required for all generators.

"generators": {
"ts": {
"outFile": "bops.gen.ts"

Services - services

By default, the compiler generates a concrete client and a service base class. This property can be used to limit compiler asset generation.

Valid options are:

  • none - Do not generate any service assets
  • client - Generate a concrete client
  • server - Generate a server base classes
  • both - Generate both client and server assets
"generators": {
"ts": {
"services": "both"

Emit Notice - emitNotice

Specify if the code generator should produce a notice stating code was auto-generated. (default true).

"generators": {
"ts": {
"emitNotice": false

Emit Binary Schema - emitBinarySchema

Specify if the code generator should emit a binary schema in the output file that can be used for dynamic (de)serialization. (default true).

"generators": {
"ts": {
"emitBinarySchema": false

Namespace - namespace

Specify a namespace for the generated code. Casing will be adjusted to match the target language.

"generators": {
"ts": {
"namespace": "MyNamespace"

Options - options

Specify custom options for the code generator.

"generators": {
"cs": {
"options": {
"languageVersion": "8.0"

Watch Options - watchOptions

Settings for the watch mode of bebopc.

Exclude Files - excludeFiles

Remove a list of files from the watch mode’s processing.

"watchOptions": {
"excludeFiles": [

Exclude Directories - excludeDirectories

Remove a list of directories from the watch process.

"watchOptions": {
"excludeDirectories": [

Extensions - extensions

An object of extensions the compiler should load.

"extensions": {
"custom-generator": "1.2.3"

Full Example

"include": [
"exclude": [
"generators": {
"ts": {
"outFile": "bops.gen.ts",
"services": "both",
"emitNotice": true,
"emitBinarySchema": false